About Us

Tenstrings Records and Tours Ltd, a subsidiary of Tenstrings Music Institute, is a distinguished provider of professional artist management services, music promotion, and international tour booking services. We have built a solid reputation as an organization dedicated to nurturing exceptional musicians and offering them a platform to cultivate their careers. Through our management outfit, we extend our support to artists in expanding their reach and connecting with a global audience.

At Tenstrings Records and Tours, we adopt a comprehensive approach to artist representation, addressing all facets of their recording and performing endeavors. Our services encompass executive production during the recording process, establishing and cultivating relationships with record labels, digital distributors, publishing companies, and booking agents worldwide.

We are committed to ensuring that the artists we work with receive significant exposure for their music and performances, targeting the specific audience they aim to reach. Additionally, our business offers project-based services to cater to the unique needs of individual artists.

By leveraging our expertise and extensive network, we strive to propel our artists toward new heights of success, enabling them to flourish in the dynamic music industry.


As a professional artist management and music promotion company, Tenstrings Records and Tours Ltd offers a comprehensive range of services to support and propel the careers of artists. Our recommended list of services includes:

1. Artist Management: We provide personalized artist management services, guiding and representing artists in various aspects of their careers. This includes career planning, contract negotiations, brand development, and strategic decision-making.

2. Music Promotion: We employ targeted marketing and promotional strategies to enhance the visibility and exposure of artists. Our services encompass digital marketing, social media promotion, press releases, radio and TV promotion, and playlist placements to ensure maximum reach and engagement with the target audience.

3. International Tour Booking: We facilitate international tour opportunities for artists, handling all aspects of tour logistics, including venue bookings, travel arrangements, accommodations, visa support, and tour promotion. Our aim is to help artists expand their fan base and reach new markets globally.

4. Recording and Production Support: We offer expertise and assistance in the recording and production process, ensuring high-quality sound production and optimal artistic expression. This includes access to professional recording studios, session musicians, audio engineers, and producers.

5. Label and Distribution Relations: We establish and nurture relationships with record labels, digital distributors, and streaming platforms to secure favorable deals for our artists. We handle negotiations, contract reviews, and work closely with distribution partners to maximize music releases’ impact and reach.

6. Brand Development and Image Consulting: We provide guidance in developing a unique artist brand and visual identity. Our team offers image consulting, branding strategies, and creative direction to showcase artists in a compelling and authentic way.

7. Tour Management and Logistics: We take care of all aspects of tour management, including itinerary planning, travel arrangements, accommodations, transportation, and on-ground logistics. Our experienced team ensures smooth and efficient tour operations, allowing artists to focus on their performances.

8. Music Licensing and Sync Opportunities: We explore licensing and synchronization opportunities for artists’ music in films, TV shows, commercials, and other media platforms. This helps to generate additional revenue streams and increase exposure.

9. Royalty Collection and Financial Management: We assist artists in royalty collection, tracking and managing their income streams, and providing financial guidance to ensure their financial success and sustainability.

10. Project-Based Services: We also offer flexible project-based services tailored to the specific needs of artists, such as single or album releases, event planning and coordination, and strategic collaborations.

At Tenstrings Records and Tours Ltd, our goal is to provide comprehensive support and resources to artists throughout their musical journey, empowering them to thrive in the competitive music industry.



© 2024 - Tenstrings Music | Black Fragrance